

They may look like it, but all printers are not created equal. Printers are designed to function in different work environments like small/home offices, workgroups, or marketing departments. Selecting the wrong printer can create bottlenecks in your workflow and cost you more than it needs to cost you. 

Some different things to consider when buying a printer are:

  • How many users?
  • What are the support requirements?
  • What level of security is needed to protect my documents?
  • What color capabilities do I need given the context of the documents?
  • How expensive is it to print on this printer?
  • How fast is this printer?
  • What options do I need?

It is advisable to talk to a professional if you are unsure of any of these questions. It may be the case that an MFP might be a better answer for your business than a traditional printer.

Let us know if you need some help and we will point you in the right direction.

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